Extranet for an Industrial Manufacturer
We created a central resource for managing large numbers of remote monitoring and control units with minimal bandwidth utilization.
- Create an extension to the embedded system in the remote monitoring and control unit.
- Create a set of secure web services to accept control and configuration settings, as well as provide on-demand reading information.
- Push certain information such as alarm status to the extranet using a data queue that will keep trying to transmit in the event of temporary communication interruptions.
- Create a configuration wizard to register devices with the extranet, and allow them to download a standard configuration template.
- Create an extranet web application.
- Securely manage accounts for various companies with multiple users of differing access levels.
- Enable users with higher access levels to create projects, organize their remote devices, issue commands or configuration changes to the devices, set alarm thresholds on devices, or retrieve data readings from these units.
- Enable advanced users to create configuration templates for devices, and push those templates out to existing devices either individually or by project.
- Enable all users to view, graph, or download to Excel any device data that has been cached at the extranet.
- Enable all users to view devices on interactive schematic or satellite maps, add informational metadata for devices, or acknowledge and clear alarm notifications for a device.
- Perform automated readings from the devices on a user-selected frequency.
- Provide a minimum quantity of data available for all users to view, graph, or download.
- Create comprehensive logging and auditing features.
- Log any data transfer or configuration change.
- Make audit trails viewable and downloadable to Excel.
- Provide reports summarizing bandwidth utilization.
- Securely manage accounts for various companies with multiple users of differing access levels.